John Strand
fargo city commission candidate
Affordable, accessible housing
Social, behavioral challenges such as poverty, addiction, and homelessness
Public Safety
30+ years as an independent business owner
Proven leadership skills through business ownership and elected office
Effective mediation skills, referring to successful resolution of the federal lawsuit challenging the FM Diversion, and mediating the Airport / City relationships to assure a mutually agreeable collaborative environment going forward
Editing and owning North Dakota newspapers provided amazing preparation for eventual public service
My pledge is to assure completion of the FM Diversion on time and on budget, AND further securing the western water supply provision to Fargo and eastern ND for those times during drought.
Fargo’s expected continued population escalation also presents a unique mix of needs to be addressed, i.e. affordable and accessible housing, quality jobs, childcare, equitable services such as transit and health. There are complicating realities that always need vigilant attention such as mental health challenges, behavioral health, addiction, crime, homelessness.
Public Safety is always a priority. Our people and businesses expect more.
There are 90+ languages spoken in Fargo. Some years back I championed an effort to offer more bus passes to New Americans attending Agassiz School to learn English.
More recently I championed an effort to support United Way / Eshara with significant public funds to further step up English learning for people in our workforce..
Commissioner Piepkorn and I were instrumental working with the United Way to expand MAT public transit to our industrial park. A success to say the least.
Housing, childcare, public transit, public health, these are all components to a growing workforce and all need our continued attention.
When the new home incentive value was increased a few years ago, I supported it without reservation. In fact, I’ve additionally advocated INCREASING the incentive for new home construction from two to five years.
I always support PILOTs for primary sector business growth, and TIFs to address blight. However, PILOTs incentives for apartments should be expanded across the city and not just downtown or near NDSU.
Lastly, we ought not label such incentives as freebies, giveaways, or unnecessary. Truth is, virtually every community offers mostly similar incentives, hence investors will sometimes go elsewhere versus build here.
Housing is a huge priority. There are obvious gaps in funding for housing such as public housing or supportive services housing, and especially low income housing. We need to tap every iota of 9% and or 4% LIHTC availability, as well as state housing fund programs.
As a co-founder of the Cass Clay Community Land Trust, I’m keenly aware of not only their needs but those similarly facing HABITAT, The Fargo Housing Authority, Beyond Shelter, etc. While growing support for these community housing agencies and providers, it occurs to me to also explore the establishment of a Land Bank.