Judy Lee
North Dakota state Senate candidate
Party: Republican
District #13
Grew up in Grafton, ND; graduate of UND in clinical laboratory science; worked in labs for 10 years, then had career as real estate broker. First elected to Senate in 1994; chair of Human Services since 2001, also on Political Subdivisions, and chaired interim committees. Served on many career & community boards, including Planning & Zoning, Chamber, Veterans Home, United Way, Hospice of RRV, and others. Now on boards for Vocational Training Center, ND Children's Advocacy Centers, national legislative organizations, and others. Late husband Duane and I have 2 children and 3 grandchildren.
Website: Senator Judy Lee - ND Legislative Branch
Facebook: State Senator Judy Lee
Email: jlee@ndlegis.gov
Q&A with Judy:
Much of my legislative work has been in health and human services, but I am also involved in other issues. There are many big changes going on, and it is important to have some experience in the many policy areas in order to evaluate & determine what will serve ND citizens best. I believe that constituents want thoughtful, well-prepared elected officials making decisions on their behalf, and I enjoy working with other legislators, department officials, constituents, and advocacy groups to find solutions to issues which will be effective and affordable, emphasizing local control.
My college background, along with working in hospital and clinic labs, provided excellent exposure to medical fields. Years in real estate brought involvement in housing, financing, zoning, and neighborhood issues. Serving on many community boards and organizations provided excellent exposure to the challenges that many of our neighbors have, as well as the potential solutions.. Work on legislative budget committees has provided excellent background on the costs of services, such as roads and bridges, flood control, community safety including police, fire, and emergency services. Over all of that is determining how to fund serious needs without being a burden to taxpayers.
Fast growing city has infrastructure and staff needs. Hundreds of new students in public schools need to continue to be provided quality education. Citizens deserve the most cost-effective solutions possible, including what funding sources are right for projects. Workforce and child care availability are challenges. Working with stakeholders to find partnerships will be a part of finding the right solutions.
Behavioral health, including mental health and substance abuse disorders, need continued support. Public education needs adequate funding based on current enrollments. Taxes must be reviewed for balance in sources and uses. and substance use disorders, is a growing issue for all ages and needs continued support. Education funding based on current enrollments is in process & needs to be continued. Evaluation of over-all tax programs to achieve balance of income, property, and sales taxes for individuals and businesses must be done.
Restoring higher levels of LEGAL immigration to permit those workers who have been coming from other countries is a federal barrier, and it needs to be fixed. Developing child care, which has its own workforce problems, is important to enable parents of young children to work. Public/private partnerships are good. Career/technical education programs to expand our skilled workforce is critical. All ideas need to be considered.
I am open to discussing all tools, including tax Increment financing, low interest loans with appropriate source of funds for it, renaissance zone-like program for older homes, first-time home buyers' 2-year property tax reduction to make new homes more affordable, and others. All need to be considered as part of a bigger picture.