Cass County Commission Candidate
district 5
Help smaller towns in Cass County with economical relief growth
Let the people of Cass County know that I am working for the residence of Cass County
To work with the other Commissioner's to keep all residence informed what's happing!
My rural background being a resident and tax payer of Cass County, I know what the people of Cass County are going throw, and looking at the whole picture so we can make a decision that will work for all the residents Cass County!
Working on a Tax relief, making sure to be watching what we spend so we don't have to increase the taxes so bad on the residents of Cass County, also to be more transparent with the residents of Cass County and keep them more informed on what's going on and how we're are spending our money!
I would like to balance and make sure all towns in Cass County limits get equal treatment, because we as commissioners have a job to represent every resident in Cass County.
Yes I do, it promotes all residents that want to build a new home in the community and helps grow on new business and bring new job opportunities to smaller and bigger towns and helps on grow throw schools districts!
I would want to take a look at the stuff prior of making a decision, do we have that much Land to expand and are want to take more farm land of products to make the city bigger and is it going to a Strang on law enforcement and fire department, if the city gets and bigger. If you start taking out more farm land will that increase money spent because will will have to ship food because local farmers out-of business.