Brandy Pyle
north dakota House of representatives District 22
I have worked the past 8 years in this role and made many positive impacts on behalf of my constituents and the state of ND. I have worked as a city auditor, a non-profit leader creating opportunities for children and the communities. I am a "connector" of people and programs and a solution seeker.
Agriculture and Energy Development
Balancing Infrastructure Spending at the State Level
Creating efficiencies within the government (spending, access to information)
Limited spending, while creating opportunity for business and family
Addiction issues
Yes. I do support a ladder approach. I like to see conversations between the state, county, cities and local groups.
Yes. I do support a ladder approach. I like to see conversations between the state, county, cities and local groups.
I believe that the state can help set the framework for this, by offering childcare tax credits for working parents.
Yes, in many of these projects, some funding provided by the state, opens up the opportunity for funding from the federal government. Expanding Hector International Airport will not only increase traffic to our airport, but the compounding affect will be felt in our surrounding communities.
We cannot use the ND Legacy Fund for projects. We should only use the earnings at this point and leave the principle to grow. The earnings should strategically be used for legacy projects, not to backfill budgets.
No. No personal financial advisor would ever advise someone to put all their money into one stock. Diversification is essential. Locals can respond faster and better than the Legislature can if the need arises.
Social Media / Website: Rep.BrandyPyleDisctirct22