rory jorgensen
Horace City Council Candidate
Ease the increased burden of property tax.
Have a controlled plan of the expansion that the town is looking at commercially and residentially by making it physically and financially affordable.
Look at ways to make West Fargo the place businesses and residents want to move to.
I feel I am the best fit for this position because of my openess to listen to residents and business owners, the advice given to me from past and present commissioners and mayors on learning from their mistakes and what they did correctly, growing up here all my life and seeing the changes, with my firsthand knowledge of the workings the fire and police departments, and being very business minded along with residential to keep West Fargo a great place to Live, Work, & Play.
The potential growth. Extreme pre planning both physically and financially. Lack of housing. Talking to realtors and developers to figure out what to do to make affordable housing available. Rising costs of being a property owner. Asking the legislatures for assistance from the legacy fund via low interest loans.
I am strongly for the T.I.F. zones, Renaissance Zoning assistance and homeowner tax abatement. Businesses bring other businesses. We need to keep supporting training for workforce along with affordable housing and look into transportation to get them there.
Absolutely yes. The city needs to continue to grow, In order to bring new businesses, they look at the incentives for housing and businesses to determine if West Fargo is the right fit. West Fargo is prime for growth both commercial and residential and we need to get ahead of it and insure we are welcome and ready.
Keep the incentive and start developing the land west of our diversion and Fargo's after planning fiscally and financially.
Email: rjorgensen10548@gmail,com